VT:TV DOMME DIARIES Interview with StarSong Bright!!

In a wildly popular premiere, VT:TV made its debut on the 16th May. In the first of a planned series of intimate interviews filmed before a live audience, Domme Diaries was born.

Who was the first person we had to interview? Why, our sim owner and founder, StarSong Bright, of course! The questions (contributed by our own community members, thank you!) started out gentle and comfortable and slowly became more challenging as time went on, and of course we kept the really juicy stuff for last! If you want to know more, you will have to watch the videos…

Massive thanks are due to the following people for help during the build and setup of this whole idea: Anna for help with building, research into data protection, and recording the interview so you can watch it; Sue for photography and general caretaking and moral support of the director; Nalla for being a test subject, a cheerleader and talented photographer; Nyk for very efficient and enthusiastic security; and last but far from least, StarSong herself for allowing this crazy idea to happen.

So huge thanks to everyone involved, what fun it was! Scroll down to see all the photos, and click on through to watch the video. And watch this space, more happening soon…

With no further ado, here are the links to the three videos so you can hear for yourself exactly what was said:

First Part

Second Part

Third Part

There were photos taken too! Nalla took these lovely shots:

And Sue took these ones: