Pub Quiz with Sue!

On Saturday 20th June, we had our first ever LIVE Pub Quiz at Velvet Thorn. Our question setter was the somewhat nervous Sue, and our score keeper the lovely Anna. Our brave contestants battled through 5 rounds of questions ranging from the geeky to the fiendish, with some silly thrown in for good measure.

Our winners, who took away a CASH PRIZE of 1000 Lindens, were the ‘Escaping Coronavirus’ team!! In second place, proving that there is more than one way to do well in a pub quiz, was Sandy Melody… seriously, ask her about it! And in third place was Team Awesome… quite a feat considering they missed the first two rounds! The Vila-gers were no slouches, but didn’t make the top three… this time!

Sue promises that the questions will be easier next time, but really, do ask about other ways to win… bonus points, people! In any event, we had a laugh, we drank beer, we answered some questions. We had a brilliant turnout for the first one, thank you everyone for joining in! Keep your eye on the calendar if you’d like to be at the next one with the promised easier questions and the same cash prize!

I grabbed a few photos if you’d like to peek: