Queens and Goddesses – TWICE!

Well, we had an egyptian treasure chamber to play with, so it stood to reason that the ladies would delight with varying regal outfits and at least some of the subbies would be smart enough to come along with fans. No-one was disappointed. DJ Eve had the stream from 2 till 4pm SLT, and then DJ ExXx took over from 7 till 9pm SLT. One blog post, TWO sets of photos, don’t forget to keep on scrolling!!

It was also Squish’s rezzday so he had to be made to blush.  Have a little look to see what my perv cam grabbed in between spinning tunes:

Not too terribly long after the sand cooled a little, it was time for things to get hot, hot, HOT again as DJ ExXx took the stream. Have a little peek to see what Leigh and Peter snapped for us: